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sunset hill renovation

I was referred by the contractor, who was hired to do a kitchen and bath remodel. The cabinet design for these spaces was already completed, and my job was to assist with all of the architectural finishes and paint colors throughout the home to make it all come together.


With a fabulous selection of furnishings and art, I found my job quite easy. With one trip to the tile store, we quickly selected a fabulous hand-made subway tile to bring a true craftsman feel to the new kitchen. The colors in the tile also connected beautifully to the other furnishings and decor items they owned.


To make the most of the high ceiling in the dining room and add a traditional design element, I also suggested adding a picture rail, which the contractor implemented beautifully.


The finishing touch to bring it all together were new window treatments in the living room and kitchen. Function always comes first, so the job was a bit of a challenge with the large front leaded glass window and the two side windows flanking the fireplace. Being able to block the neighbor's house on the side, while still being able to open the windows was essential. I found a unique fabric for those windows that make them appear as works of art and bring the entire palette of the home alive!


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